Jakob’s memories pile up as he tries to make sense of the moment his life changed.
Jakob has gone through something big. Something that changed everything. Well, actually, it was a lot of different things, and he can’t really tell them apart that well. It’s as is if everything happened at once.
Some fragments stand out; a car, a gust of wind, sunshine reflecting off that building. Feet on the asphalt.
And Mads, his intrusive, abusive friend, with some kind of grand plan to fix everything. And someone so perfect, you’ll always remember them.
Watch the film
U.S.A: Watch “Everything at once” for free with your library subscription on Kanopy.
FINLAND: Watch “Kaikki kerralla” for free on YLE.
POLAND: Watch “Wszystko na raz” with your subscription on Canal+.
NORWAY: Watch “Alt på en gang” as a filmclub through Norsk Filmklubbforbund.
Not in those regions? Find out how to see the full film by getting in touch.
Ciclope Festival, WINNER, Gold in Special Section, Short Film
Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival, WINNER, Best Short film, Rebels with a Cause program.
The Norwegian Short Film Festival, HONORABLE MENTION, Norwegian Film Critic’s award, Norwegian competition
Bucharest International Dance Film Festival, SPECIAL MENTION, international competition
Selections + screenings
The 79th Venice International Film Festival, in shorts competition. World premiere.
Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, Montreal, Canada, in competition in the International Shorts program. North American premiere.
Bergen International Film Festival, in competition in Norwegian shorts program. Norwegian premiere.
Minimalen Short Film Festival, in Nordic competition
Santa Barbara International Film Festival, in international short fiction competition, American premiere
Dublin International Film Festival, in international shorts competition
In the Palace International Short Film Festival, in best fiction competition
Akbank Short Film Festival, international competition
Short Shorts Film Festival, in international competition
Curtas Vila do Conde, official selection
Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFAN), official selection
I-fest, in international competition
Barnes film festival, in international competition
Bolton International Film Festival, in international competition
Aesthetica Short Film Festival, in international competition
Norwich Film Festival, in international competition
Selected for Kortfilmfavoritter fra Grimstad 2023, by Filmklubbforbundet
Kreativt Forum, on Gold win at Ciclope Festival: kreativtforum.no/artikler/nyheter/zwart-stakk-av-med-kortfilm-gullet-pa-ciclope-festival
In Rushprint, on win at Tallinn Black Nights (in Norwegian): rushprint.no/2022/11/pris-til-henrik-dyb-zwarts-kortfilm-alt-pa-en-gang-i-tallinn/?fbclid=IwAR1pp1WbxCQN8Y95Q-j1dRF44zRkclRL8mZ5q1XYNlkBL-yklZ1YyzPfKwI
Radio interview Norwegian culture show P2 Arena: radio.nrk.no/serie/arena/sesong/202209/MKAK27011722?utm_source=nrkradio&utm_medium=delelenke-ios&utm_content=prf%3AMKAK27011722
Article in Montages (in Norwegian): montages.no/nyheter/henrik-dyb-zwarts-alt-pa-en-gang-konkurrerer-om-kortfilmpris-i-venezia/
Rushprint (in Norwegian) rushprint.no/2022/07/norsk-kortfilm-til-venezia/
T-port marked spotlight: https://tportmarket.com/a-straightforward-story-told-unconventionally-henrik-dyb-zwart-shares-the-creative-process-behind-everything-at-once-before-its-premiere-at-venice/
Review in Cineeuropa: https://cineuropa.org/en/newsdetail/430022/?fbclid=IwAR1M0AWjCkZO73wm7rEADaeDDOud472neeHK_mKrZfld_RuX73JR30dOAfE
Interview by Scandinavian Films: instagram.com/reel/CiRujHzj1qJ/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D
Production company
Director of Photography Stylist
Production designer
Sound designer
Henrik Dyb Zwart
Øystein K. Dyb
Mario Poljac
Wenche Luther
Øyvind Møgster
Luise Nes, Stella Casting
Axel Toreg Reite
Andreas Waag Martinsen
Steinar Klouman Hallert
Elisabeth Aschehoug
Sondre Larsen
Running time Screening format
Aspect ratio Sound
8 min 18 sec
5.1. / stereo